What is a trademark?
Trademark can be a symbol logo brand or a combination of all these. A trademark is used by a business to set them aside from their competitors. Trademark is the flag bearer of brand value. Companies use a trademark to increase their brand awareness.
Trademark can be one of the following forms:
- Word
- Symbol
- Phrase
- Logo
- Design
- Trademark Act 1994
- Trademark rules 2002
Types of Trademark
- Product Trademarks
- Service Trademarks
- Collective Trademark
- Certification Trademark
Benefits of Registering Trademark
- Brand Identification
- Helps to avoid market confusion
- An economically efficient marketing tool
Registration Process of Trademark
- Trademark Search (1-2 Days)
- Filling of Form TM-1 (2-3 Days)
- In case of Objection, You will be intimidated by the registrar A separate application needs to be filled for different classes. The cost per class is Rs. 4000. You can find full price details here on IpIndia Website You can use the letter (TM) with your logo during the application filing period till the time it is registered. Once it has been registered, you can use the letter (R).
Documents Required
- Text of Trademark Name
- Jpeg Image of Trademark Design, if any (8cmx8cm size)
- Description of the image, if any
- Brief description of Goods and Services (See Classification)
- Particulars of Usage of TM
Deliverables from CompanyFX for registration
Complete Trademark Registration Services in Bangalore with:- Support for application filing application
- Name, logo availability check
- Objections/filing reply to oppositions
- Trademark Renewal